Our new C2B coach is…. Graeme Bradley

The Club are extremely pleased to announce the appointment of Graeme Bradley as our new C2B Coach.

GraemeB - Committee

The appointment will formally commence at the start of Jan 2014 taking over from Paul Armstrong  (when Paul moves to his new roles with A and Masters Squads).

Graeme will continue to fulfil his C+ coaching role until the end of Dec 2013.

The Club are already considering internal candidates for the “soon to be” vacant C+ coaching  position and we will announce the appointment asap.

Friends of Team GAW

Huge good luck to our diddy league team today at Tynemouth. Enjoy it! A photo from the archives… #TeamGAW pic.twitter.com/ojkvRowHyy

About a year ago from Gateshead and Whickham Swimming's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
