Notice of changes to Swimming fees 2014

It is nearly 2 years since the club last revised the squad fees and since then there has been a number of increases in costs that need to be accounted for. The main increases in costs for the club are, a rise in pool hire rate that Gateshead Council charge and the significant investment in a Head Coach giving him the time to develop and move the club forward.

Set out below is a table that shows what the fees will be for each squad.

Squad New Monthly Fee (£)
A 64
B 50
C2B 36
C+ 32
C 27
Club No change
Learners No change

N.B. Fees for 2nd, 3rd, 4th children in families are eligible for a £2 per month reduction (excludes learners)

The fees above continue to be competitive with other clubs in the area and the committee believe offers value for money to all swimmers. We have held off from revising Club squad fees during a period review/reorganisation.

Learners fees were also maintained to keep them competitive with other programmes in the area.

These new fees will come in to operation from the 1st June 2014.

In order to ensure a smooth transition to the new fees please amend your standing orders to coincide with your usual payment date in June. If you need any standing order mandate forms please click here.

The committee and I hope that you appreciate the necessity for these increases in fees that will enable the club to continue to operate and be successful at all levels.

Fee_Review_2014 June

Martin Reveley

Chairman of Gateshead & Whickham ASC
May 2014

Friends of Team GAW

Huge good luck to our diddy league team today at Tynemouth. Enjoy it! A photo from the archives… #TeamGAW

About a year ago from Gateshead and Whickham Swimming's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
